Second time in Taipei! Just finished my Taiwan 2016 travel blogs and yet here I am with a bunch of photos from my January 2017 Taiwan trip, heh.  I brought a camera this time ( Helloooo Marvin thank you for always letting me use your camera! Mwah)! All photos are raw, shot using a Panasonic Lumix GF6 mirrorless camera, 25mm lens 🙂 I obviously need more practice!  I never used the manual option but there are still so many pictures which were out of focus, blurred, etc.  Baby steps, Marianne.

And yep, I did not include our pictures for this travel photo diary for a change 😛 I’ve been spamming instagram and facebook with pictures of my face tho, lol.

Hope I can justify how lovely Taiwan is through my lens~ 🙂

Hi, Jane!

Mei Stay Hotel

Taipei Arena!

Zombie Apocalypse! Chinese New Year so there’s not a lot of people around O_O

View from Maokong Gondola

Purikura! Haha, don’t know what it is called here in Taiwan…

Finally tried Taiwan’s Stinky Tofu! It wasn’t as bad as I had imagined, lol.  It’s actually pretty tasty?  And normal?


Blogger Shot!

Bok Joo!

Thank God the boots I bought from Xi Mending last year did not fail me! Even after walking in this pair for the whole day.  Yayy go boots!

*gasps* SO BEAUTIFUL. Current desktop wallpaper!

Love these grandmothers! They brought a lot of camera accessories, their backpacks are full of gadgets.  This is me in the future.


Our trip is much more expensive this year.  Maybe because of the exchange rate? I wasn’t able to shop so I feel bad 🙁

Same guy from last year! The Takoyaki boys were gone already.

Xi Men Ding is like a runway.  We enjoyed people watching (and judging) a lot while drinking our milk tea.

Told you.

These are made by Taiwanese artists! Everything is hand-made! :O

Hope you enjoyed the photos 🙂


Day 1 Itinerary: Maokong Gondola | Chiang Kai Shek Memorial Hall | Xi Men Ding Night Market

10 thoughts on “Taiwan Travel Photo Diary Part 1”

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