Yay, Day 3! You can find the first two days here and here 🙂 This batch is a bit gloomier than the first two photo sets because it was raining. We took lots of photos but as usual, I wouldn’t be posting it here so you can enjoy the scenery and not our faces 😛…
Taiwan Travel Photo Diary Part 2
Hello! It’s been half a year and I’m not even half-finished blogging my Taiwan trip. Heck, I don’t even write about it because all I do is post photos but I get so lazy sometimes or I tend to write about other stuff and forget all my drafts. So we are now on Day 2! Like my…
Camaya Coast 2017
I’m definitely not a summer person– I sweat easily and often get migraines from too much brightness of the sun. Living in a tropical country has always been one of my frustrations because I can’t stand the heat. HOWEVER, I like swimming way too much to leave. When it was officially announced that we have…
Bicol 2016 : The ATV Experience
So this is a year late but I’m trying to document all my recent travels and put them here. I am no travel guide but I hope that through my posts, you’ll find out a thing or two about the places I’ve been to. Or if it at least makes you curious about the place,…
Baguio 2017
I badly needed a break. There are a lot of things going on in my personal life and I wanted to just escape out of it all for a while. My family and I went to Baguio last March 27 and 28 to unwind. Of course, Papa has to work but it was still a…
Mini Photoshoot: Manufacturing Plant
My cousin celebrated her 7th birthday party at the Pascuallab Manufacturing Plant aka my workplace (I’m Eton-Centris based but I’ll be reporting here in our plant until the end of March). It’s a pool party and one of our benefits includes the use of the company’s pool as venue for events. After the party, we…
Taiwan Travel Photo Diary Part 1
Second time in Taipei! Just finished my Taiwan 2016 travel blogs and yet here I am with a bunch of photos from my January 2017 Taiwan trip, heh. I brought a camera this time ( Helloooo Marvin thank you for always letting me use your camera! Mwah)! All photos are raw, shot using a Panasonic…
Intramuros – Bambike
May 21, 2016 Intramuros, Manila | Bambike Ecotours First time to go to Intramuros! 🙂 Right after my staycation with Elbi friends, I went straight to Intramuros, Manila with Glaiza, Jenny, and Lily 🙂 Finally, we’re complete! 😀 The whole place is so photogenic! Ilocos feels all over again ❤︎ More pictures under the cut!
Tagaytay 2016
February 25, 2016 People’s Park in the Sky | Leslie’s Restaurant | Rowena’s Tagaytay City, Batangas Continuation of our Enchanted Kingdom Adventure 🙂 Too lazy to blog, so here are pictures from our trip instead 😉 More pictures under the cut! Thank you Vin for letting me borrow your camera <3 I’m thinking of buying one for…