August 12, 2016
Sulo Riviera Hotel, Quezon City

Every August, Pascuallab celebrates its anniversary and this year, it’s extra special since it’s the company’s 70th anniversary! ❀︎  For 70 years, Pascuallab is taking care of Filipino families’ pharmaceutical needs πŸ™‚ This year’s theme: Glitz Glam Galing Pascuallab πŸ™‚

It’s been eight years since I went to Sulo Hotel, and that’s for my 18th birthday! LOL, memories.  Pictures under the cut πŸ˜€

We were required to wear formal attires and I enjoyed watching people during the event <3  It’s not everyday you see your officemates in long gowns, barongs / coats so my eyes are happy.

There was an Oscars-ish paparazzi and backdrop too.  Heee.  I did my hair and makeup, btw πŸ™‚ I didn’t want to look too made up because the event took place at around 11:30 in the morning πŸ˜› And if you notice, I was wearing slippers! I’ve been injured a week before the event so I couldn’t really walk properly, how much more wear heels?  A blessing in disguise, really.

With my favorite, Daddy Cholo! Huhu @ our height difference.

I took lots of photos of other people but I didn’t have a lot of pictures of myself, huhu.  That always happens so, whatevs.

I loved the performances as well.  Program-wise, I think this is so much better than last year πŸ™‚ As for the food, majority of the people loved it but I guess I’m just a picky eater.  Salads will never be my thing πŸ˜›

Ate Peia got so many awards, she even got THE Hall of Fame award, meaning she won three Elite Awards for the past years.  Wow.  That’s super amazing if you ask me.  Especially since one of the criteria for judging is the attendance– you will only win an award if your absences will not exceed four hours for a span of A YEAR!  There was a time when I got four hours late and that’s just for a week.  Oh well.

SCM got so many awards that day and we even stayed after the party to eat leftover food.  LOL.

Congratulations, Pascuallab! Looking forward for the next Passion Awards πŸ™‚

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